2 and 6/4 seat buggy.

Andy called and said Stak finished building the tcase. It should be at his shop mid week. Hopefully I can get it from him soon. Still gotta find my 208/th350 adapter.
Hey Sam and (aggressive) sorry your name leaves me, check the bolts on the adaptor ring (put more locktight) Austin and a few others I've seen have had problems with the bolts working loose. Patrick and Austin had to take the case out of his, our last trip to Tellico a few weeks ago and fix it.
whats the deal

5 days and no progress pictures.........

What did you take the weekend off for a tea party or something????:

Before you even ask if the buggy is started...NO.. but the axle in the xj is torn down and waiting for the new hubs to arrive.. Axle seal is in...... So there...:flipoff2:
Thanks Greg. I will make sure to lock tight it up really well. I DONT want to be taking that thing out again anytime soon.
Yea, you actually hit it on the head Matt. I took the weekend off for a boat trip to Nassau, Bahama's and Coco Cay. But the tcase might be here by next weekend...so after I finish a bunch of projects on some freinds rigs on Saturday I'll be playing around with it.

Good deal on the axle. Everything inside look ok?

It must be nice... building a new buggy with Rocks, taking vacation ... what else you got planned........

Yeah everything was fine.. There were new seals but the jackleg didnt have the right tool to press the seals in correctly.. They were both torn.. The springs looked alittle rusted so i decided to replace the hubs.. They have a rebuild kit but it wasnt worth messing with.. I started to run drive flanges but I want to drive this one on the street..

Good to hear you took a vacation to enjoy yourself...

Now back to work... We have some trips to plan once that buggy is done..
I had a feeling he flubbed up the seals. Glad to hear you were able to fix it right.

Yeah, it's back to work. I may even get some kids seat mounts done while I wait for the case/adapter. Talked to the wife about moab on the way home. She's all for it...sometime AFTER the buggy is done....gonna work on getting that narrowed down to end of next summer or following Spring.
Alright a 700r4 and a Th350 definately have the same bolt patter on the tail..I think the shafts are different lenths, but...

Got the adapter with the nice short foot bolted on last night and Stak says the case should ship straight to me on Monday or Tuesday. Not holding my breath, but hopefull.
Uh...no and no. The case was supposed to have been shipped, but I haven't gotten a call that the truck has shown up yet. I've got big plans if it does. But I'm not holding my breathe.
and the ESTES Express truck has arrived this afternoon with both our transfercases on it. So Dave stop playing soccer mom and drop that thing off at my house, I have wrenching to do..... :bounce2:
Yes, I am....:flipoff2:

Bolted the TH350/700r4 to 241/208 adapter up to the case and like the D300, one fricken whole does not line up. The adapter seats perfectly leaving that bolt out so I guess I will have to mill out the hole oblong so I can get the 6th stud in. It's kinda sad bolting that old cast stock adapter to that blingin :bling: aluminum case. But fawkin...can't wait to muscle all 200lbs' behind the tranny. (too bad my camera is dead or I'd take some pics.)
Tcase is in, transmission crossmember is done. Motor mounts are basically done...just need to get another set of gussets from Rob. I cut the cowl and hood in half, tached em together...then checked to see how they fit. They were within 1" of where they need to be, so I cut another inch and tached em. I should get the hood on tonight to make sure it's right and then cut the depth of the cowl and height of the grill. Then I'll work on mounts for them this weekend. All for now and I'll get some pics up when its worth looking at.
Haven't touched it in two weeks since I was out of town, soccer season is on and I've been busy at work...but after watching Brandon, Sam, and Jim make progress I figured I'd post up some pics.
The bling:


Unwelded incase it needs to move slightly:
The start of the motor mounts (been gusseted since then):

Also finished narrowing the hood and cowl, but I need to take some of the depth out of the cowl, make mounts for it, and shorten the heigh of the grill and make mounts. I also have the design in my head for a half moon bracket to cut for mounting the back of the tcase to a second crossmember.
looking good! keep it coming!
Unwelded incase it needs to move slightly:

Does that tie into the adapter and the 2wd mounts on the back of the trans? Looks like it's the right size to, but if it doesn't, I *highly* recommend doing it.. takes the stress off the 4 little bolts on the back of the trans..
It only ties into the adapter. And of course there'll be the second mount on the back of the tcase so its supported there. I will have to look at it tomorrow to see about the bolts you are talking about, the more support I can get....the better. Thanks Rich.