100 pushups a day in May Challenge

I completely missed yesterday, so I made it up today.
25x4, then 50x2.

1 week to go, who is issuing the June challenge?
Half in the bag (not THAT way :lol:) for today, with 1x50. I've found I like spreading them out over the day. Although, there is something to be said for that feel-good feeling after knocking out all 100.

RE: June challenge...I was considering issuing one, but I'm also considering the ramifications for upping the ante...We'll see if I can come to terms with my own inner wuss and offer a challenge that is somewhat painful, yet rewarding. :smokin:
Got them in today 20 at a time
50 this morning. Then wrestling a motor mount tonight was probably worth another 500 with the pry bar and jack and wrench trying to line it all back up. I need another hand and go go gadget neck to see the damn hole. I’m done for tonight. Arms are jello.

Told y’all I suck at this. Lol
Yep, having troubles also. We started late, made up our missed days and were at least 100 each day. Went camping over Memorial Day weekend and fell off the wagon. Did other stuff but no push ups since last Thursday. Tomorrow, back on track. Maybe.

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I’m doing a horrible job of posting between camping over the weekend and work travel this week but still getting them in. And thanks to time zones, mine were done before 3am today.
Here's a suggestion for a June Abs challenge. What do ya'll think? Want to try it?
The F3 Region I'm in issued this challenge last night. It shouldn't be too bad as it starts off low and gradually builds thru the month. Plus you get rest days!
F3 has crazy names for every exercise, so below I have put the description for each exercise from the F3Nation website.

The Boat: Boat exercise: Lay on your back with feet about 6″ off the ground with shoulders and head also off the ground and arms and hands extended in line with your ears like you are signaling a touchdown..
Mason Twist: While on six in partial sit up position with heals just off the ground, twist at the waist so that both hands held together almost touch the ground beside your waist, alternating in cadence from side to side. Often times done with bricks in hand.
Low Flutters: Ab exercise done laying on your back. Legs off the ground, alternate kicking legs as if you're swimming.
Mountain Climbers: Done from push-up position, run in place.
WWII: Sit-up where your starting position is with knees bent and arms extended above your head on the ground.
Freddy Mercury: Aka the bicycle sit-up. Alternate extending legs and arms in a bicycling motion during the sit-up.

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