NC will give you a big fine for bio-diesel use.

Now, let's go have a fermented beverage. :beer:
No beer for you.
That beer cost diesel to get to the store.
So unless you brew it yourself, you're adding to the problem :D

(Sorry been dealing with idiotic shipping companies all day and just felt like being a smart ass since I can't on this call)
No beer for you.
That beer cost diesel to get to the store.
So unless you brew it yourself, you're adding to the problem :D
(Sorry been dealing with idiotic shipping companies all day and just felt like being a smart ass since I can't on this call)
I'm a pain in the ass broker, anyting I can help you with?
No beer for you.
That beer cost diesel to get to the store.
So unless you brew it yourself, you're adding to the problem :D
(Sorry been dealing with idiotic shipping companies all day and just felt like being a smart ass since I can't on this call)
Better to be a smartass than a dumbass.
The folks who lived here 1500 years ago weren't intensively growing hybridized corn in monocultures that require increasing amounts of fossil fuels as the soils deteriorated.

No they grew until a crop starteed doing porrluy then slashed and burned the forest land moved over and started again.

But the treee hugging hippies of today would love you to belive that our ancestors never cut down aa tree and only evil loggers strip mother earth.
No they grew until a crop starteed doing porrluy then slashed and burned the forest land moved over and started again.

Depends on what group of people you're talking about. Some actually let their land rest with no crop production for one year out of seven, and never had serious crop problems as long as they followed that practice.

But the treee hugging hippies of today would love you to belive that our ancestors never cut down aa tree and only evil loggers strip mother earth.

This part is so true; the same group I referred to above had one of the most ornate religious temples in the world, and it had quite a lot of wood in it. Something that the environmentalists would never believe.
Just to add a little (Bio) fuel to the fire, Just got back from a trip to see the folks in CO and saw a gas station advertising biodiesel for sale. This is a (for the most part) farming/ranching community, so not sure if it was road taxed or like off road diesel.