Charlotte Area Rock Course

i should be ok the 21st weekend i got tellico the prior but if we can come sunday i will ride with stone sounds like good times
Ok an update for the weekend:

15th workday CANCELED
Skidsteer problems and rain are going to make it hell to work so Sunday I will still meet up with anyone wanting to go PLAY... PM me for phone number but same meet time same meet place
10am McD's at 16 and 73. take exit 25 off 77 and head West on 73 about 6 miles? McD's on left near big shopping center trail about 5 miles from there you can follow me. If you are comeing later call me.

21st workday still on .

Meeting at above at 10am. We will work for a few hours then play til no ones heep can move...

22nd must have permission to play... donations of $5 might help :D
I pm'd ya.

Manual Labor

I live in Newton and can come and help if you still need people next weekend. Im vary familiar with the area down there, i was a forest ranger for the state and worked that area and now work fo the highway patrol and still work that area via the communications center.

Not scared of getting dirty or tired.

Still planning to come work & then watch whatever rigs play.....mine is still sitting w/ the lift in the front seat!
scarface said:
Oh yeah Yankee Ron . Dont be scarred I will help you fix your shit again if you break :D :flipoff2:


Damn man! Your tough.
I may have to back out of this - Gotta take care of Nicole (She's recovering from maxillofacial surgery), and more family is coming down that day..

Sorry Blue.. I think another guy from Raleigh was going, maybe you can bribe him instead... :(
Rockeater said:
Is this a pic of the area/playground ?


No. but maybe one day. :D

Everyone still going Saturday? I have been sick the past 2 days and no web at home.

If you have any Q's ask now.
CRAP ! Kiddo has his final soccer game on Sat. (found out last night). Can't make it this go-round. Keep us posted bout future opprotunities. Thanks
Thanks anyways guys.. Next time

OK who is coming I have to count hamburger buns...

So far i have :


If we have enough we might set up a timed run down and up the course.

And smaller rigs need not be scarred. It is easy in some areas and Hard as hell in other but you can jump out at anytime. 33's make it a ton of fun. But so do 44's or 454's. :driver:
You still need'n my flatbed right? I'll be there in my ether stroke.

I may have to wait until Sunday, work may intrude on my recreational time! :(

I'm up for a few hours on Saturday - let me confirm meeting time & place:

McDonalds at corner of 16 and 73 @ 10am on Sat the 22nd.

I don't have a backhoe to bring, but do you need anything else? Pruners for trail clearing, shovel to lean on, etc?

scarface said:
Time and place confirmed.

Just be ready to wheel.:)

last minute trip to the beach tomorrow is now cancelled...

I'll be at 73/16 at 10am on Saturday (assuming the Saturday is right, since it's not the 22nd)...

not sure what you need, but I can lend a hand for a couple hours...

how'd the work go after I left?

how 'bout the wheelin' on Sunday?

to those that didn't make missed a winching exhibition... :D

Greg - ended up pretty nice - did I mention while testing the new layout it became necessary to lift the rear of my jeep with the bobcat so I could backup? (front bumper against tree, rear diff against rock). All in all, pretty nice little trail - definitely requires spotter.

did you guys meet at the mcdonalds sunday? i rode by there a few minutes after noon, didn't see anyone...?? so i headed back to raleigh. oh well, had an awesome day/evening at the race saturday :flipoff2: