YJ is a bucking bronco

Not the response I was looking for. I was sure someone on here knew what I was talking about, that it rang a bell with them. I read about this issue years ago and it stuck with me. Now that I have the problem I thought I would bring it up to see if anyone else knew about it and had experienced it and had suggestions for other things to check.

It's not related to engine operation. It's a physical issue where the motor mount(s) is/are worn which allows the motor to rock back and forth and causes the accel cable to move as if the driver was cycling the gas pedal in and out. The vehicle bucks wildly unless the driver lets off the gas or accelerates. Only happens under neutral throttle and also creates some slight issues in first gear start up. 4 cylnder manual. I think it was reported to only happen with manuals.
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possible tcase torque mount let go?
If you know what's wrong, why are you playing a guessing game?

I want to show my prowess on this board. My original post says "Anything else I should look at?" Seriously though I had hoped that someone else had experienced this but I guess not. I was hoping that someone would chime in and say yeah i fixed that with this but you probably need to look at this too cause it usually goes out when that happens. Get so and so instead of so and so cause they are the best. I got so and so first and ended up switching to so and so.


Yeah...again.....NOT what he was looking for.