Propane injection for NA Diesel

No fries

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2005
Fort Mill
I was wondering what the drawbacks are for putting on a vacum fed propane injection kit for a naturally aspirated diesel engine, 88 ford F250. I know most of the pros but I want to know both sides other than trying to find propane when you need it.
I have read a few articles on this propane is easy to find blue rhino is at almost every gas station just use the lb bottles if you have a tool box you can set it up & carry multiple bottles. I have not been convinced the milage savings to Lb of propane to $$$ is worth it. unless you just need more power. Just don't fog to much at once or POW!
Well with the sytems I was looking at it is vacum fed so to much isn't supposed to be an issue. Power is what I am looking for. I just want to know if there is a reason I shouldn't.
The guys over at The Diesel Stop in the IDI forums might be able to steer you straight on the pros/cons. IIRC, several had made their own pane fogger systems and were happy.

Your singin' bud... Caver :lol:
Thanks I'll check it out.
keep other peoples balls off your head......You never know when someone might have a camera.:rolleyes:
At least your head stayed dry:lol: