N.O. Limit Offroad Rock Crawl and Mud Bog 7-26-08

Please do not hesitate to post your comments, good or bad.
Ok, in that spirit I think the schedule you went with (registration at 10:00 and event starting at 12:00) was perfect. It was just the notice that made my day rough. Also, I'd be tempted to run the mud bog and rock crawling at the same time. For me, 2 or 3 action packed hours are better than 4 or 5 hours where interesting things are spaced out by 10-15 minutes.

That's my feedback, use it or discard it as you see fit. :D
I wasn't there very long but I was there to show my support. I brought my two kids along with me. I just so happened to have some chairs in the car which was a good thing because ther was nothing but ground to sit on there. I suggest some bleachers and maybe something for some shade. Also a more designated watching area. I had to carry 3 chairs food and drinks with two small kids following behind me while crossing the cable and watching for the tractor. Could use a safer path. Plus we had to watch out for the kids driving the station wagon. If there is another one I will try and make it out to it also. It's nice having something close to home.
^ i was there at 9ish thinking it would get started earlier.....but im not crying! haha
i think the event went really good considering the learning curve that goes along with what they are doing. i only see the future events getting better. right now its just getting fine tuned. More org... and i belive it will start to blow up big time. thanks to all the mud trucks that came out. It really helped pass the time waiting for the rocks. disapointed though that there wasnt a bigger turn out for the rocks! Come out and support a local spot people. Cant wait for the next one!
My daughter and I had a good time. Lots of folks there, which was great to see.

Did anyone get a video of the crazed lunatics(sp?) that went over the rocks backwards.
The black frankenstien looking xj. That was spooky, but def. a u-tube moment!

I gotta few pics. will post soon.
My daughter and I had a good time. Lots of folks there, which was great to see.
Did anyone get a video of the crazed lunatics(sp?) that went over the rocks backwards.
The black frankenstien looking xj. That was spooky, but def. a u-tube moment!
I gotta few pics. will post soon.

Yeah I got it I'll have it up by mid week. Left my camera at my sisters house so I have to go and pick it up tomorrow. Good to see that they are planning on doing more of these. Hopefully next time there will be a bigger turn out of people compeating.
Set up an internet cafe at the stables so the rest of this board might show up and support an actual event that promotes our hobby. There's my suggestion.
more advertising I think is the key. Maybe know when the next one is by the time the current one is put on and have a butt load of flyers so people can take them back and put them up in businesses. Maybe at some point set up some 4x4 driving/winching classes for people that are looking at getting into the hobby but feel intimidated about going with a local group who already know how to do everything. I know my wife would go to one of those classes if there were some.
First off I want to say that I had a great time. After watching Ricky go through the mud I wasn't even sure I was going to make it through but I ended up winng my class LOL. I have a few thoughts that may help get the numbers up.

Better advertising would help, I live in Troy and had to search the web to find out the past minute times. Dropping off some type of flyer for the local part stores and gas stations to put up is a cheap way to get the word out.

I would rather not have the mud bog and rock crawling happening at the same time. I ran in the mud bog this time but next time I want to do both events. It would be nice to have some sort of class specific rock piles too but I know how much of a pain the main pile was to set up. I think if there was a pile set up without the huge pipe on top then you would get more of a turn out for the rock climbing. You could have the hobby class and the hardcore class and offer a price discount if you enter both events.

In the spirit of the station wagon, you could have a 'just for fun' car competition. This could be done before the racing starts, during the registration and drivers meetings to keep the crowd entertained.

The drag racing before the events kicked off was pretty fun and it kept the crowd entertained for a bit.
It was good to see everyone, and thanks to those that came out to support our sport! Part of the delay was due to the lack of competitors and trying to make sure we had enough for the classes. There are plans to expand the rock pile to make easier and harder lines as well as expand the overall size. And like Woody said we need all the people on here actually out at the events too. Thanks to Johnny and everyone at the stables.
Just an opinion but I would do away with the flyers and spend the advertising funds on some decent sized posters that could go out by the road. N.O. Limit gets alot of traffic on 49 and I'm sure 4WP would let one be put up there. There's numerous shops in the Charlotte area and I really don't know any of them that would have a problem with putting one out front. Personally I don't pay any attention to flyers of any kind. I also don't go out to many places and when I do it's in and out. I don't pay attention to much else around me. A sign/poster on the side of the road would catch my eye.

Oh and here's my pics and vids
http://s237.photobucket.com/albums/ff7/marvilusone1970/No Limit Comp/

*edit* Vids will be up tomorrow
Just an opinion but I would do away with the flyers and spend the advertising funds on some decent sized posters that could go out by the road. N.O. Limit gets alot of traffic on 49 and I'm sure 4WP would let one be put up there. There's numerous shops in the Charlotte area and I really don't know any of them that would have a problem with putting one out front. Personally I don't pay any attention to flyers of any kind. I also don't go out to many places and when I do it's in and out. I don't pay attention to much else around me. A sign/poster on the side of the road would catch my eye.
Oh and here's my pics and vids
http://s237.photobucket.com/albums/ff7/marvilusone1970/No Limit Comp/
*edit* Vids will be up tomorrow
harisburg zoning guy will take them down sameday, he's a :poop: head. I work at the local part's house and we can't even put signs out side for sale's.. Poster's in the window's would work.
Flyers are alright but only if your physically putting them in the hand of someone, not posting them in places hoping people will see them. I agree with above, signs are what will get attention, simple signs with very few large words in key locations throuout troy preferably along 109 and 24/27 best places are at large intersections, in front of eldorado, mtn market, maybe those gas stations where river rd intersects with 24/27, and def in downtown troy somewhere.

The one that was in front of eldorado was about the right size but I mentioned to Cody today that next time make it fewer, larger words. Something clear and concise along the lines of "Mud/Rock Race at Uwharrie Stables Sat July 26th" in all solid black print would be ideal, and get those size signs out at the most locations you can.

For instance on the way back home today I went 109 down to 24/27 over to 52 to 152 (I know not the quickest way but I like going that way) and along the way were the large banner type signs at intersections of larger roads/highways for a concord ultimate cage fighting type style event. Those were perfect because there were very few words, they were large and one solid color, quick simple easy to read message.

That will get the spectators in, the next step is to get the competitors in, and theres your problem, yea we have here on nc4x4 but there really isn't a large scale way to reach wheelers that I know of . . . . from past experience forums really aren't a good way to soley rely on for advertisement to the competitors, yea we should still get it posted up wherever we can, but the problem there is your hitting like 25% actual competitors 75% web wheelers.

But the problem with generic advertisements like radio and print are that they are expensive and its very hit or miss with your target audience. I think best bet would to be the signs mentioned above, forum posting, and then simply getting on the phone and making phone calls to people you know that are competitors asking them if they want to come and to mention it to others, it seems word of mouth . . . especially coming from the mouth of the organization putting it on, or a previous competitor, works the very best for getting the actual competitors in. Ie: contact the same pro mud guys that came, ask them who they know that you could call, maybe get in contact with the person in charge of the lee county motorsport complex over in sanfrd and talk to him, as long as your events don't collide schedule wise I don't see why he wouldn't be down with spreading the word to the people that compete over there.

Maybe get in contact with the people who run mooresville dragstrip, from personal experience there are alot of gearheads n rednecks that go over there for test and tune thursdays, be a great avenue for advertisement.

Also that place you guys mentioned that does the ATV drags over that way can't remember the name, over at galloways as well, maybe wherever it is that Cody does the truck pulls, any motorsport type venue.

And I'm sure others can come up with ideas of similar places to call/ask if signs can be put up as well. Main thing to consider is your target audience and where it will get hit the best.

thats my 2 cent, I just finished going to school for this bidness related junk ;)
The local "lawnmover & truck pulls" over in East Bend have a LARGE orange generic sign with black letters"

"Truck & Tractor Pull"

Date is below and it swapped out as needed (appears to be ducktaped on)
The local "lawnmover & truck pulls" over in East Bend have a LARGE orange generic sign with black letters"

"Truck & Tractor Pull"

Date is below and it swapped out as needed (appears to be ducktaped on)

**off topic but could someone please let me know next time they decide to have a mud bog over at east bend, thanks**


i had a great time hats off to the no limits guys got there around 10 it was kindof slow so we went and ran a couple trails came back and thats when all the fun started around 1. there weren't really alot of people out there but i thought it was kindof nice not haveing to fight to be able to see what was going on.i thought everything was great minus the guys in the cherokee i thought that was pritty damn stupid but im looking forward to the next event.