man eating tigers

she looks hungry to me.
i look tasty to her.
She was actually enticed with peppermint oil by one of the conservatory volunteers. It is like catnip to them. Eculiptis had the same effect on the big cats. She was kinda in a trance.
The people who work there do interact with the animals, but only touching through the cage. The cats like the affection, but aren't trusted in their pens. One person getting malled would probably shut the rescue down. I did get to see her get startled and man that beast could move. You would expect such a large cat to be able to move so fast. Just instant reflexes. I really appreciate these creatures.
Sigfried and Roy agree.

nice Joel It made me laugh:lol:
recent events have forced me to bump this thread.

tim, where ya at?

I don't know about you, but recent events have taught me an important lesson.
If a 12' wall and dry moat are not considered sufficient to safely keep an animal away, then we need to just leave a beast like that the fuck alone and in his own home.
Things Ive learned from this thread.

#1 Tim came trolled and booked ass
#2 Chuck has a mind like an elephant
#3 Tigger prefers pitchers to catchers (WHO KNEW???)
#4 Ratlabguy carries a gun to the zoo now.... not a bad policy
#5 Yes, joel does have the best Gifs....
BTW just checked out the banquet tiger...Im not so sure that was an attack, looked more like play to me...but no doubt it could have gone badly...
BTW just checked out the banquet tiger...Im not so sure that was an attack, looked more like play to me...but no doubt it could have gone badly...
Yeah, I got curious about that one...I found a few seconds longer version where it looked like the tiger was almost licking the guy it took down.
Couldn't find anything else about that incident.