Google in Lenoir


Mar 11, 2005
Raleigh, NC
So, Google sponsored the TriLUG Christmas party this year, and they're looking for folks to work for them in Lenior county. While this is a bit out of my range, it is a good company and it sounds like interesting work. A buddy of mine from college is one of the admins there, he chose the place because it was closer to family.

IF you understood the KDE vs. Gnome thread earlier, you might want to check them out. IF you repair HVAC or are an electrician, you might want to check them out. IF you are an executive with technical management experience, you might want to... well, you get the point.

Here's the URL:

--- Promised my buddy I'd do this a month ago...
City of Lenoir. It's in Caldwell County just north of Hickory.

Good jobs to be had there, especially HVAC techs or Computer techs.
Google pretty much said that they were planning to bring in most of the employees for that, and all but admitted that they didn't think they'd get too many qualified locals.
good thing the powers that be bent over backwards for them...
The Google people I talked to, were looking for HVAC and definitely Computer techs. They said they didn't think they would get many qualified locals, because there was no Linux training in the area (Windows isn't for serious computing). They're paying into the local community college system and they're donating to the local schools. The folks I talked to were the guys that live in Lenoir now and are the day to day grunts, not the marketing types. But... Your mileage may vary, worst thing that can happen is that they say no.

I filled out their online application about 6 months ago, and if you're interested in a good laugh, I'd suggest you do the same. Their application is absolutely INSANE!