Fox Sale


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2007
Sale on Fox Racing Shocks, post up what you need and Ill get you a price. Shocks can be sent out with custom valving for your vehicle and use and tuning sessions can be scheduled as needed.
This includes UTV shocks
price on (2) 14in 2.5 air shocks
Can you get mountain bike shocks too? I'm looking for 5.5" and 6" eye to eye air shocks for a new acquisition.
No I can't, it's a different department at Fox. Clark's Bike in Hickory can get you Fox bike stuff at a really good price. Ask for Mike, he quoted me about 500 off on a RC40 fork so I know he can give great deals.
To get you setup properly I need a better idea of what kind of sprung weight we're talking about here, intended use, up travel vs down travel, are you running a sway bar and so on. I try to stay away from tender springs but if its super light we may not have a choice. I can definitely get you setup right and valve the shocks for your usage and weight.
I'm assuming you're calling the new style stabilizer the performance series. We've found that the performance series comes with too much pressure in it and you can't let any of it out, causing it to push to the left. If you're dead set on that Ill send you a price. Otherwise I suggest the factory series with about 30psi
We're more than part slingers, rarely 2 sets of shocks go out the same way. When you buy with us you're getting valving for your setup and help setting it up, not off the shelf parts and a sales guy on the other end of the phone.
So you want shocks and not coilover? At that length they'll have to be a 7/8 shaft shock. Do you want a remote res shock or emulsion?
I can put you in a 16" emulsion coilover for the same price as a 16" remote res smooth body shock.
Let me know and ill get you a price ASAP
hey alex i need a price on 2 12in travel 2.5 in resi shocks and 16 in travel rears also 2.5 in resi's im about sick of these leaking ass foa's thanks scott