Drilling holes in Leaf Spring for Stretch?

Guy I used to run around with stretched his by turning the leafs around, using a shackle relocation bracket and lengthened the drive shaft. Of course there was some cutting of the back fenders involved, he clearanced the gas tank a little (dented it after applying some careful heat) and ran a track bar. Worked great. The track bar is about a must no matter how you stretch it though.
hey sorry to barge in but curious as to why track bar is needed for a stretch? i'm stretching mine also around 5 and ran across this so track bar is really needed? new to me..thanks
hey sorry to barge in but curious as to why track bar is needed for a stretch? i'm stretching mine also around 5 and ran across this so track bar is really needed? new to me..thanks

I think he meant traction bar.
ok so even that...still needed on a stretch?? thanks man

Probably a a really good idea with the flipped around leaf springs for more stretch.
I wasn't going to flip the springs but rather move the mounts back about 4" with longer shackles or get longer leafs as others mentioned...so it's just flipping the leafs is what calls for the traction bar need it sounds like??
XJ's leafs tend to wrap and rotate the pinion up and break the rear shaft. So I would recommend a traction bar period if you plan on hammer on it.
Traction bar makes a huge difference in anything with leafs and larger tires. Buddy runs 42 on a YJ with a 4 banger. When he put the traction bar on it made if feel so different. Simply because when you give it gas, the tires grip and the vehicle either needs to move or springs/axle rotates. What happens is both at the same time. So you lose torque/energy in the springs. When you run a traction bar, the axle can't rotate so all that torque goes o the wheels which means you feel it instantly. It makes the life of your springs much longer too.

Ruff Stuff & Ballistic Fab have very affordable kits that are universal and easy to install.