Daihatsu rocky 4x4


New Member
Jan 7, 2010
I am looking at a Daihatsu Rocky 4x4 I do not know anything about it tho. Does parts form a Suzuki Samurai fit on it? What all can I do with it?
We were "stuck" (awaiting repair) at the DR several years ago and *heard* one coming up the trail (seems it'd lost the entire exhaust somewhere). IIRC, it had a SAS and was wearing a set of tiny Swampers... guy & his gal came by, asked if we needed anything, and proceeded on.
Well I think it is just going to be a crawler so I will ripe out anything I don't need and make something work on it lol.
I used to own one, they stopped shipping them over 15+ years ago and only had to support aftermarket parts for 5 years. That being said, mine was very reliable and I drove the sh_t out of it. Had it burried several times with no probs. If you can source your own parts not a prob. It has an Asian tranny and Transfer. Not to sure if I would buy one to build though. I'd look for an onld beat up jeep cj or sami.
They are NOTHING like anything Suzuki.
Unless you wanna SAS it and put yota axles under it, I'd stay away from it for off-road.
I don't know if I would buy it as a dd either.
Those things were only made a few years and would bet parts are hard to find and high.

...... just my 2 cents .....

Yea, not the same a a Zuki. Zukes are Japanese and Daihatsu is Korean.
Actually a Daihatsu IS a Japanese vehicle. Unfortunately, there are not too many parts that are compatible with any other Japanese manufacturer. I have started a company that imports parts from around the world in an effort to provide a source of parts to those who still have their Rockys
Put a head on one and had to buy parts on eBay from Asia. If I was going to wheel one I'd put yota drive train and axles in it.
Is it the same wheelbase as the sammi? They look almost identical! You would probably be better just using the shell and putting sammi or yoda parts in it. Like a sammi motor and drivetrain with yota axles? I have no idea if this is even possible or worth the time. Just food for thought.
I had one that i drove the crap out of. I miss it and wish the guy would sale it back to me. I was going up a hill one time and slid back down and my back bumper got hung on a rock, so i had two of my buddys pick up the back end off the rock lol. Damn I miss that thing.