Uwharrie Video Package from the Stable and the Forest

Ha, of all the people to ride with, she gonna jump in with the gsxr sami, bet she bout shit herself when he got air.
Now that Tellico is done that will just show the enviro nazi's where they need to go next.:shaking:
Very nice. :beer:
Yea we filmed friday before last, was awesome, thanks again to everyone I called who came out to help us get something cool to film, or at least got me in touch with the folks that were available, i know it was all super last minute, thanks guys . . . :beer:

Of course big props to Stump, Joe, Dezzi, and the 4x4cross 2.5 Ton Mud Racing Team - Donald, Shiloh, and Randy :driver:
Thanks to all that was involved, I think it showed URE in a positive way. Thanks Cris Cagle from the Eldarado Outpost for calling it to our attention. Hay Cris.....what about the "new employee"? I think it's time for an anouncement!
THAT was awesome PR. What a great vid! Thanks for doing that and for sharing! Was cool to see Ricky, Joe and Stump on the news doing what we love! heheh
Ricky, you should be able to embed it on your website without having it on youtube. Use the following code:

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