where to buy long tent poles?


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Aug 24, 2005
Concord, NC
I am looking for some fiberglass tent poles that have the stretch cord inside them. Need them to be 20' long when assembled. So far all of my searches on the web turn up repair kits, or pole kits for specific tents. Anyone have suggestions on where to find them?
Did anybody else think of the movie "No Country For Old Men" when they saw the title of this thread?
Did anybody else think of the movie "No Country For Old Men" when they saw the title of this thread?


" I need tent poles"
"What kind of tent"
I don't need the tent just the poles"
"Sir we can't sell just the poles. What kind if tent do you need?"
"....The one with the most poles"

" I need tent poles"
"What kind of tent"
I don't need the tent just the poles"
"Sir we can't sell just the poles but if you got the part number for the tent we can order the poles.
"Well then I need to get a tent"
"What kind if tent do you need?"
"....The one with the most poles"

That's it....fixed it.