

Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2008
Ok guys need opinions 2001 Ford Excursion seems like driveline vibration starts roughly about 65 goes away about 72 truck has almost brand new Michelins balanced and double checked, rear driveshaft has been rebalanced it does have weight about a foot up from yoke rubber is in good shape. Vibration isn't terrible but its right at the cruising speed any help would be appreciated.
My 2002 Excursion had a vibe I was never able to get rid of that occurred at a similar speed. My understanding is the Excursions use specific springs that lower them so soccer mom types can get in and out easier. The springs also give a better ride than SD chassis springs. I seem to remember reading that the use of the OEM springs can put the rear pinion angle just out of the realm of happy and cause slight vibes.
May wanna grab an angle meter and verify.
Are those single piece shafts?
So it has a carrier bearing in it and 3 u joints?

Regardless, check the splines in the slip yoke also. Fords are notorious for those wearing out because they don't have a grease fitting. Even if it's not worn out, grease it anyway. It could probably use it.
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I had a similar vibration. Balances shafts etc and still there. Ended up putting the truck on jacks so I could watch whatever was going on. At idle in first gear that dumb damper was wobbling. Pressed it off and the vibration was less, so had it rebalanced without the donut and it's smooth again. they are pressed on with a rubber band between them and the shaft. Seems about 120k miles and the rubber starts to let go and the donut starts wobbling. That's what mine was anyway...