Question about Microwave Mounting...


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2005
Old microwave died (this thing was the classic 70's microwave, fake wood paneling, tacky orange buttons..

Anyways, It was mounted in a large "drawer" type box, which was supported from the TOP.

We bought a new one, but it requires a back plate that mounts to the wall, problem is, our microwave area isnt on a wall, its a peninsula type area, with a very thin piece of wood paneling covering up the back of the hole.

How do you suggest we mount this thing? We bought some liquid nails to glue the back plate to the panel, but I honestly dont think thats going to do it..
So you have cabinets over the peninsula type area of counter space? I'm pretty sure the bulk of the new microwave is supported by the two bolts that go in the top. Maybe put a couple of 2x2's behind the paneling to screw the mounting plate to, then have someone hold the thing up while you put in the two bolts at the top. Maybe some pics might help too.
the thing is, the paneling's other side is exposed to the kitchen, so putting anything behind the paneling is a no go..

Theres only 3 bolts on the top of the microwave, and they are all towards the front of the thing..
Could you put a couple of 2x2's that go all the way to the celing and maybe put some paneling or something over it to cover it up and make it pretty? Might use 2x4's to support the weight instead of 2x2's just lay them flat against the microwave to conserv space. That's about all I can come up with without seeing it. Anyone else have any ideas?
still have no idea. I dont think theres any way we can alter the back plate to route the weight load to the top of the cabinets..


Looks like we can drill directly into the Microwave on the back...

We are going to put in 2 bolts on the rear end on each side, and then 3 on the front that are pre drilled, and hang it from the top.

That should be enough to support the weight ya think?
Try using 1/8" coated wire rope, route though the upper support and anchor above (I presume in an upper cabinet that you can put a wooden or metal plate in). Should only need two, one near the front one near the back. The microwave won't go anywhere and if you hang it just right might even quell any vibration noises you would otherwise get from the cabinets. They sell the cable and anchors and etc at most all home improvement and hardware stores.
Yea, that'll work, How are you going to attach the rear? Nut and bolt of just sheet metal screws?