Lots of interesting news today

The police dept. already did their investigation and said no crime was committed. The city attorney wants to make a name for herself and is grasping for something that isn't there.

And she used George Soro’s money to get elected.

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Or maybe I don’t know there is a castle doctrine and you are allowed to protect your assets. Especially when you feel your life is threatened.
... because brandishing a weapon is a crime?

Now, maybe they are, or are not, actually guilty, or should or should not be charged... but thats why you have an investigation... to find out if it applies... that's the DAs job.

Is it a crime when you feel threatened by a large mob of angry people on private property? The police didn't think so. This is just grandstanding by the politicians.
^^^^ This, lets not forget they broke down a gate and entered a private neighborhood uninvited. They were not just walking down a public road.

Could they have handled themselves a little better.... yes...... are they going to charge the protesters with trespassing/ breaking and entering, damage to property.... No
Watched a documentary on the Jewish channel this evening, which tied President Lincoln, to the Moon Landing! o_O
Well, it turns out, during the Civil war, Lincoln took a ride in maybe the first Hot air balloon, & saw how that could be used in War. That led to Dirigible, to the Air Plane, Jets, Rockets, & the Moon landing. Cool!
One of the station's Fact commercial, was, in 1955, Congress wanted to protect the American worker, & passed the Minimum Wage Act, at $1.00 per hour! 65 years, & were up to $7.25. Not much Progress there!:shaking:

Why? They refused acknowledge and agree to go into isolation. You can tell by the things she said she was going to abide by it.
I agreed to comply to call the Health Department if I was to go.
And, that's exactly what the Director of the Public Health Department told the judge, that I was refusing to self-quarantine because of this, and I'm like, 'that's not the case at all. I never said that,'" she said.

They were going to visit family when they had confirmed COVID. They would give zero ducks about going to the *insert place* and spreading it further.

I for one think this should be stronger and more readily implemented. I have come across too many people out and about with the virus.
Funny thing... If Trump was an authoritarian, we'd never hear anyone complaining about the slow descent. It would already be here and no one would be allowed to point it out.
Nobody said he was particularly great at it....
Maybe, hahaha, thats a big MAYBE, but just maybe there is a provision that requires them to have proof of insurance before being able to even apply for a license. :lol:

Heck no, Insurance is all per vehicle here.. and you check a box affirming you have insurance when you register/renew plates, no actual proof ever required..