

Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2013
Mill Spring, NC
Have you ever overheard a conversation and thought it sounded a lot more interesting from your perspective?

I was in Human Resources office waiting my turn when I overheard this conversation as a technician was trying to order new uniforms in the neighboring cubicle.

Tech: I need to order new uniforms.
HR: Here is the form, since you already have uniforms just mark what you want to order. I see you are not wearing pants.
Tech: I hate pants, they never fit right. I laugh at everyone wearing pants.
HR: That's not nice, everyone should be wearing pants, they are part of the uniform.
Tech: You can give me pants but I won't wear them.
HR: If you wear these pants the uniform company will wash them for you.
Tech: If I don't wear pants the uniform company won't have to wash them!
HR: Ok but I don't want to see you in here anymore without pants...

My day is now a little better.
Should have walked in there without pants on and been like "oh...damn, thought this was a party!"
I think I shipped my bed :D