Dumb Question

They run the race course, before the actual race, hence the word Pre. They are trying to learn the course before raceday. They use a lesser modified vehicle than the race car or truck, but these vehicles must be capable of the terrain to a certain point, just not as fast and usually not as expensive. These are called ''pre-runners''.

OR.........The fastest immigrants. They run for the border first and attract the attention of immigration officers so the rest can slip by......pre-runners!
Dumb Answer

To "pre-run" something

i.e. prerun the baja during the day/days leading up to the race.

In marketing terms, it's a factory 2wd truck, that looks like a 4wd truck.

In the off-road hobby, it's a 2wd offroad pickup. Usually very long travel suspension, meant for high speed dune driving