anyone other than me spend WAY too much time on here???


Landscaper Extroidanaire
Oct 10, 2007
Woodleaf, NC
bc DAYUM i have been on here for several nights in a row NONSTOP.....i think i need a life....or maybe just a runnin truck lol....which will happen tomorrow
yeah, if i had a truck worth a damn off road i probably wouldnt be on here as much. instead i sit up all night reading up on the tax code and various other laws i'd change if i were president.
ill vote for you....if you give me an underground bunker for a garage somewhere......i heard there was one somewhere down south of charlotte
i dunno about underground bunker but my boss has a friend who turned some sort of underground tank into a below ground shop. I wanna say it was an old fuel tank from a gas station but that sounds a bit dangerous. it was something of that size. big steel can basically. dug out the side of a hill, slid the tank in, burried and cut a hole in the side and bolted on a door.
that has always been a dream of mine to one day bury a tank or ship container in a yard and turn it into a bar & champagne room, haha
Or you could get a job at night and save for a heater even quicker
haha i'd call it Club Erik and have a disco ball hanging next to the pinyatta