Any tips for traveling in Japan?

They eat some weird shit over there. I don't eat fish or seafood except for shrimp. Seemed like every meal we ate when I was there had some kind of seafood in it. I always made sure to find the McDonald's or 711 close by.

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Can't speak for Japan, but that's been my general outlook pretty much any time I've traveled internationally...find the most Americanized stuff I can. My very first trip out of the country was to China, first business meal included octopus that was still walking across the grill, bat and pigeon. This wasn't a newbie hazing, it would have been highly disrespectful if I didn't eat it. My colleague had mentioned last time they were there, they were fed a round of various fried brains (might have been made up, but I don't doubt it). Since then, I've learned to fly folks here or intentionally schedule something during eating times.
Fried brains are better than fried nuts. Had cow, goat, sheep , and monkey brains in my travels. Also had mountain oysters when I was a kid around home and bull and sheep nuts traveling. The worst thing I’ve eaten was a boiled goat eyeball especially when it popped in my mouth.
The worst thing I’ve eaten was a boiled goat eyeball especially when it popped in my mouth.

Used to travel with a guy (note I said ***used*** to), back and forth to LA, he loved the 'fresh off the boat Chinese restaurant owners'...felt it was the most authentic food you could get here. We used to go to a place that had orange crates as seats and you could see the blood trails from whatever they just killed/gutted...and eyeballs were the sort of things he'd always order, grossed me out. That said, they had some sorta alcohol, wasn't saki, wasn't rice wine...not sure what it was...but half a bottle in, I was guaranteed to wake up in an alley by myself.
Used to travel with a guy (note I said ***used*** to), back and forth to LA, he loved the 'fresh off the boat Chinese restaurant owners'...felt it was the most authentic food you could get here. We used to go to a place that had orange crates as seats and you could see the blood trails from whatever they just killed/gutted...and eyeballs were the sort of things he'd always order, grossed me out. That said, they had some sorta alcohol, wasn't saki, wasn't rice wine...not sure what it was...but half a bottle in, I was guaranteed to wake up in an alley by myself.

I've had this alcohol before. They generically call it "Chinese liquor". When I was in Beijing, our local rep said it was made from sweet potatoes, wheat, and some other kind of veggie I can't think of at the moment. Stuff will mess you up in a hurry. I'd put it right up there with Mezcal on the danger scale.
I've had this alcohol before. They generically call it "Chinese liquor". When I was in Beijing, our local rep said it was made from sweet potatoes, wheat, and some other kind of veggie I can't think of at the moment. Stuff will mess you up in a hurry. I'd put it right up there with Mezcal on the danger scale.

That sounds about right, it was pretty sweet and delicious, not very alcohol-y at all. I fancy myself a pretty high alcohol tolerance, can drink a fifth and function pretty well. But this stuff, I'm not kidding, if I wasn't in a taxi at the half carafe mark...there were multiple times I passed out in an alley amazed I wasn't murdered/mugged/aching butt hole when I woke up.
Pretty sure you guys are talking about Baijiu... it will get you where you're going.

Also, speaking of baijiu, I forgot an important tip for Japan: Pocari Sweat. Near miracle hangover cure or preventative measure.


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Pretty sure you guys are talking about Baijiu... it will get you where you're going.

Also, speaking of baijiu, I forgot an important tip for Japan: Pocari Sweat. Near miracle hangover cure or preventative measure.


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What is it exactly? I saw that in the vending machines, but was too chicken to buy one and try it lol.